Wild Mont-Blanc, a citizen science program on alpine wildlife is back for its third season! Thousands of photos are waiting for you! Get ready to recognize which animal is hiding in the picture..
All these photos are from the forty or so camera traps set between 1300 and 2700 meters of altitude in the Mont-Blanc massif. This allows us to collect precious information on the wild fauna in the mountains, whether it is on the level of their rhythm of activity or the different habitats they frequent. However, before the researchers can analyze these data, it is still necessary to know which animal has been seen on these photos. It is at this point that you can participate in the research work of CREA Mont-Blanc.
After the success of two previous seasons, we invite you to get involved in our research for the third time.
How to participate in Wild Mont-Blanc?
To contribute to this collective effort to identify photos from your home, you just have to go to the international zooniverse website. Once on the website (from your cell phone or your computer), the photos will scroll by and all you have to do is choose which animal it is from the list proposed. No worries if you’re not an expert, you have explanatory cards to guide you step by step in your identification.
In one week, participants have already identified about 20,000 photos. But there are still thousands waiting for you..
Click here to go to the Wild Mont-Blanc project
Thanks for your help!
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